Monday, September 6, 2010

Toiling away

So, this weekend's been busy for me. Not only did Ryal (panda_Blair) and I hang out yesterday, we managed to get so much stuff done. We went to church, said good-bye (for now) to friends there, pull out into the street and get pulled over by my mom. She pulls up behind me and starts frantically honking her horn at me. So We pull over and she reminds me that I have work to do for her. So after a quick lunch Ryal and I got to work!

Just a couple of monkeys for my mom's kindergarten class. They has watermarks because they're actual paid/professional work. Something I can put into my illustration portfolio, saying I did this for Sardis Elementary School's Kindergarten class! :D Super stoked.

After getting this done, Ryal headed out for a quick coffee with Church friends. That was good. And then they had to head to a wedding (D'awwww! Weddings!) and we went to go catch up with Tori kitty. Got to visit her family and see like a LOAD of their old family photos. :D They were awesome to see. I love old photos! Eventually they had to head out but Tori wanted more catch up time so we went to Tim Horton's for a quick coffee.

We weren't there for long before we snuck off to my Mom's Block Party. That was a lot of fun. Got to meet all my mom's neighbors and show off my monster. Everyone was really nice there and it was a free dinner. :D I like cooking, don't get me wrong, but if I can get out of it, I will! So Ryal and I really enjoyed that.

I think we got back around 7 ish and here's a secret, if you post Chocolate chip Banana muffins in the comments section, I'll know you actually read this TL;DR post! So we got back around seven ish and The Monster curled up on the couch like she normally does when she's "napping". Usually though, she doesn't actually fall asleep. This time she did and considering the HELL she's been putting Ryal and I through this week for bedtimes, we were entirely tooooo grateful. We spent the rest of the night working on a little project. I think we listened to the same song for about 3 hours. But it's all relevant to the image. It was a wonderful composition, not entirely what I had envisioned at first but definitely the idea I had conceptualized.

"We are Stardust, We are Golden, and We've got to get Ourselves,
back to the Garden"

I'll be posting this to furaffinity/INkbunny as well. Let me know if you're interested in Prints of it or some such. I love how it's come out, especially with the Aurora Borealis in the background :3 That was just a great touch. We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Have a great day, and good luck with those of you returning to school this week!


  1. Why chocolate chip banana muffins?

  2. @Dukeskunk because I was redonkulously craving Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins.
